Book Your Assessment (Evaluation) Holiday Sale $195

Book Your Assessment (Evaluation) Holiday Sale $195 ⋆

Golf Body Pro


“Feel and Play Better Golf”

It’s an eternal question for golf enthusiasts: The equipment, instruction and courses are better. Why aren’t recreational golfers playing better?

The answer … golf & fitness academy.

”You can have perfectly fit custom clubs and take lessons from a really good golf instructor and practice and all that,” said Brian Morrison, the head pro at Olympia Fields Country Club near Chicago. ”If your body can’t do what you’re trying to do, that’s where people really get frustrated with golf.”

Enter Bill Glegoroff.



Bill Glegoroff was selected by Golf Digest as one of the

“50 Best Golf-Fitness Trainers In America 2022-2023”
“50 Best Golf-Fitness Professionals 2019 - 2020”.

”It’s amazing,” Morrison said. ”He’ll watch a guy hit four or five balls and say, ‘How long has your left elbow been bothering you?’ And the guy will say, ‘How did you know?’ He can tell by the way people stand. Golf is really about good posture.” Glegoroff helps golfers improve their postures, their swings, their health and their golf scores.